Tuesday, July 26, 2005

New to it all

Alright, well this is all new to me -- so bear with, lol....So -- what do you type here...lets see...whatever's on your mind right? -- well i just woke up and was advised to start a blog...I'm not sure why -- i guess the inner workings of my thought process are more interesting that i had initially thought.
Well, right now what's goin' on is, best friend has moved to NC to get married and venture into what will be a very...adventurous future I'm sure. I don't talk to her as often as i'd like, but that's to be expected, moving around and getting married are pretty big plans -- I'm proud to have her as a friend --
So what's the love life like you may ask...Well -- slow goes it. I've been dating someone for the last couple weeks -- she lives like 35 miles away -- so it KILLS me with the gass prices so high!! -- I really don't think it'll last...we're just not a good match...though i don't think she shares the same viewpoint -- just solidifies my point.
Been very busy helping my older sis. move to her new house. She's got more damn dishes than anyone else i know! pluse she's got like all oak furniture! HEAVY --
I start school again in like 3 more weeks -- going to Purdue as a pre-vet student -- I'm VERY excited to start my new classes...well more excited to get the hell out of there with my degree, and DVM.
well... I'm getting ready to post this -- i'll most definitely update and get this baby "up to snuff" so to speak. talk to ya all later


At 11:30 AM, Blogger midnightbunny said...

Hey there. My SIL-to-be, the stealth hound, mentioned your new weblog. Kudos to joining the "blogging" crowd online. Best of luck in Vet school too. See you online. ;)


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