Thursday, July 28, 2005

Late night

Beautiful day yesterday! It was like around 70 all day -- so refreshing. My sis called and asked if I was free to hang out and go out with a few people to the drive in. So I left the house around 2:00 pm -- we went to Casas ( had the bruchetta -- less filling than I had hoped) -- The people that were working there were so creepy! Like it's always so dark in there, and they all have this weird look about them...I just feel like they're all in some sort of cult or secret society...Definitely warrants further investigation, lol.
After we left Casas, we drove to Meijer to get some food for the movie, which took like no time at all, which left us with about 4 hours to kill before the movie. We drive to Jefferson Point and hang out at Barns and Nobels...I don't know what happened really...It really didn't feel like 3 hours, yet that's how long we were there -- wow. I guess I just got sucked into my book "House of Leaves" Awesome book. A little difficult to follow -- there are paragraphs written backwards, upside-down, and all over the place. It is soo cool, I recommend you look into it.
Anyway, before I knew it, it was time to go -- we met up with the person that was gonna drive us up to Garrett, to the drive-in. We see Willie Wonka, and Bewitched...I suppose I should've been watching the movie...but we were outside!! I just watched the sky -- there's a meteor shower going on (I'm a huge star-gazer!) Yep -- big meteor shower, going to peak at about Aug. 20th. cool stuff. I know I'm a nerd, you don't have to say it, lol. -- All in all it was a good night -- got to laugh with friends; we had to've been the loudest people there -- damn I've not laughed so hard in a long while. It was kind of weird -- I was laying there as the dew fell, then it started to get damn cold. For the first time in a long time -- it was kind of refreshing -- a preview of the cooler weather to come.
Well, I'll write more later -- I've gotta head out; feel free to leave a message -
- Ryan


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