Caught up on some sleep
--Alright, I saw "Skeleton Key" last night. I won't give away the ending, I'll just say that I'm impressed. I had thought I figured it out several different times, and was feelin' pretty smart...but my aim was slightly off, lol. Good movie though! Don't know if I'll buy it when it comes out--It's like "The Others" and "Identity"-- once you know the ending, it sort of takes away from the experience.
--I get home from the move at about 2:00 this morning, and try as I might I could not get to sleep, errr. I watched some TV--There was a documentary about lightning, evolution, and another on the human psyche...So that cuts out a few hours...but still no sleepiness. So I watch "Animal Cops" on the animal planet...which just made me angry--it's an hour block of watching how animal police have to save animals abused by their owners--So I got sucked into the show--not a good show to watch when you're trying to go to sleep, lol. --After that, I leaf through my DVD collection--no success in choosing one. I decided to do some Tai Chi to sort of burn up the extra energy, which worked quite well. After about another hour, I was able to get some sleep...for an hour--then I had to wake up because I couldn't be in the house when it was getting appraised! I just go to Meijer, and look at some of the toys, and dog treats...then I found out I forgot my wallet at home--damn. I get home at about 10, and I've just been catching up on sleep ever since. Its a beautiful day here--first day in a few that's been sunny, and dry. So I'll probably find something to do outside, and just get to bed a little earlier tonight...though I know it never works that way...Someone will call, and want to do something, and I won't feel tired at that moment, so I'll go, lol...That's how it happens...But tonight, I'm wise to it--and I'm determined to get some sleep!! -- It's a curious thing. I don't know why we need sleep--it just doesn't make sense to me...but if you go so long without it, it just keeps getting harder to function...I think I should explore the limits. ;)
--I went to the dentist yesterday--I swear they hire those women (dentist assistants) there for their looks! Every single one of them looked like a model! I'm not saying that they were dumb or inadequate or anything like that--they were all well educated, and certified...just for whatever reason...they all looked like models!
--I'd compare the dentist office to going on a blind date. Same awkward questions--not as awkward as the answers though(it's hard to talk with someone's hands in your mouth, lol) ANYWAY! -- NO CAVITIES!! yessssss.
--well, I think I'm gonna head out--maybe get some swimmin' in before the days out. -- I'll blog more later, feel free to leave a message